* Jack Fredrikson <jackfredrik...@yahoo.com>:
> ________________________________
> From: Robert Schetterer <rob...@schetterer.org>
> To: postfix-users@postfix.org
> Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 4:32 PM
> Subject: Re: Postfix, Sasl & Pam
> First up, my bad. The conf file is:
> /etc/postfix/sasl/smtp.conf

And that is wrong too. I suggest you either send debug output as requested by
the Postfix welcome message or documented here

SASL is complex, but a matter of minutes if you help us to help you.
Without debug information you waste everyones time.

> > http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-postfix-saslauthd-sasl-authentication-failure-cannot-connect-to-saslauthd-server-permission-denied
> Been through a bunch of them before emailing the list.

"And when I found out it wouldn't work I did it again ..."


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saslfinger (debugging SMTP AUTH):

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