Wietse Venema:
> Dilip Mishra // Viva:
> > There are some destinations, which have undefined rate limits. I know that
> > postfix marks the destinations as dead after a particular number of
> > failures. My question is how is this value defined, and when does it retry a
> > dead destination?
> http://www.postfix.org/TUNING_README.html
> > Also, does connection caching come to picture, if destination rate delay is
> > defined?
> http://www.postfix.org/CONNECTION_CACHE_README.html
> http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#default_destination_rate_delay
> has a comment on transport_destination_concurrency_failed_cohort_limit
> and how to avoid destination death after a single delivery failure.

I've added this parameter to TUNING_README.html, which was written
five years before the parameter was introduced.


> If the documentation is ambiguous or wrong, please file a bug report.
>       Wietse

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