On 19/10/11 21:00, Tom Hendrikx wrote:
>> I agree and that's exactly my current solution, but I have some
>> questions regarding how I'm doing that. Without repeating myself, can
>> you please have a look at my configuration in the mail that originated
>> this thread and comment on my solution?
> I don't use SA myself so I have no experience with integrating it with
> postfix, but some slacking around on the spamasasin website led me to
> http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/IntegratedSpamdInPostfix, whose
> first lines clearly mention the flaws you're system will run into
> (generate backscatter, for instance)

I read this document, and I question the validity of this statement. As
I understood it, postfix bounces a message only if the content filter
program return an error. This happens for spamc only if there has been
an erorr in connecting to spamd, or other technical problems, not when a
message has been classified as spam. Therefore, I do not understand
where the cause of backscatter may be. This is also stated down in the
page you refer to (this confusion is one of the reasons why I'm askin on
this list for advice).


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