On 10/18/2011 01:41 PM, Simon Brereton wrote:
> On 18 October 2011 13:27, Simon Deziel <simon.dez...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 10/18/2011 01:12 PM, Simon Brereton wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I expect that this is not recommended practice, but before I implemented 
>>> DKIM signing, Amavis used to scan ALL mail - incoming and outgoing - and I 
>>> was happy with that.
>> I don't know if that's would suites you but Amavis is capable of
>> performing the DKIM verification/signature steps as well.
> Thanks.  Yup,  Amavis is checking DKIM signatures, but that's not what
> I was getting at.  I want Amavis to scan and rate my users out-going
> mails as well as the incoming ones.

Amavisd-new can do DKIM *signature* too, no need to add another content
filter for that.

Once properly configured Amavisd-new will perform DKIM verification for
incoming emails and will DKIM sign your outgoing emails. This goes
without saying that Amavisd-new will do the usual virus/spam scoring on
both ways.

> Prior to me implementing
> dkimproxy, it was doing that.  I've added the amavis content filter to
> the socket and so far it's doing what I want (i.e. rating out-going
> mails) but it would be nice to have a sanity check as to whether
> that's the right way to do it.

As outlined by Noel, the best setup is to have Amavisd-new doing all the
DKIM related checks and signatures.


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