Le 19/09/2011 03:40, Benny Pedersen a écrit :
> was reading something about client smtp auth :=)
> http://www-uxsup.csx.cam.ac.uk/~fanf2/hermes/doc/antiforgery/csa.html
> hope it will be supported in postfix
> Thanks Tony for make the guide

if you like 3/4 letters combination (csa), you migh like:

SPF: http://www.openspf.org/
DMP: http://www.pan-am.ca/dmp/
RMX: http://www.danisch.de/work/security/antispam.html
DRIP: http://www.sherzer.net/draft-brand-drip-02.txt
CSV: http://mipassoc.org/csv/
DKIM: http://spamlinks.net/prevent-research.htm#verify-tech-dkim
BATV: http://mipassoc.org/batv/
SRA: http://www.tuffmail.com/backscatter.php
DMTP: http://www.ee.hawaii.edu/%7Edong/papers/DiffMail_UH.htm

if you have time, you'll see more on

one thing is: all that stuff is known since some time. and spam is still

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