On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 9:37 AM, Jon Harris <j.har...@digital-ink.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi List
> I don't know if this is possible....

It's not.  Search the list archives, and there are plenty of people
wanting an API for dropping mail straight into the postfix queue.

> I thought if I could generate a postfix friendly file, I could create an
> SMB share and drop the 72,000 files into a folder that Postfix would
> "see" and then process.

Sure, you just need some middleware that understands SMTP and file
locking.  Write something up in perl, that will pickup new files on
the system, lock them, pass them to postfix (either via sendmail or
TCP/SMTP) and then remove the message file.  Just be sure that your
middleware application has some callback mechanism for registering
success/fails when injecting into postfix.

Postfix on its own (AFAIK) won't do this for you.

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