On Mon, Aug 01, 2011 at 02:52:31PM +0300, Vasil Mikhalenya wrote:

Hi all,

I can not find solution for the following problem:
if I send mail to user1@mydomain, and list1@mydomain
and /etc/aliases contains list1: user1,user2
postfix duplicates email for the user1(2 identical email delivered to
user1 mailbox)

You may want to try:

enable_original_recipient = no
smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords = silent-discard, dsn


1. When we activate these settings, in the logs there is no more any indication of the original recipient!

2. Also, this will eliminate duplicates only when your server is used as the original smtp server to send the emails. For mails sent from other servers to the group alias, duplication cannot be eliminated at the Postfix level (afaik).


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