On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 12:20:40PM +0200, Andrea Ganduglia wrote:

> >>>> Without transport_maps it doesn't works. If I set virtual_transport =
> >>>> dovecot log returns relay=none
> >>>
> >>> The "virtual_transport" setting only applies to domains that are listed
> >>> in virtual_mailbox_domains. If adding the domain to the transport table
> >>> works, while setting virtual_transport does not, clearly the domain
> >>> is not listed in virtual_mailbox_domains.
> I hope so! I logged my queries:
>  84 Query     SELECT domain FROM domain WHERE domain='example.com' and
> backupmx = '0' and active = '1'
>  85 Query     SELECT "dovecot" AS transport FROM mailbox WHERE domain
> = 'example.com' LIMIT 1
> If I run those from cmd line they work. :-/

The words "they work" communicate no information at all. We know the
domain is not a virtual mailbox domain. Now find out why.

What does

        postmap -q the-domain-in-question mysql:the-table-config.cf

return? Does the domain also match any of the other address classes?


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