On 7/14/2011 7:59 AM, Rytec wrote: > Dear members, > > Which restriction should I need to use to prevent HELO/EHLO connections with > IP > numbers ? > This person is spoofing me. > See example below.
> 118-167-100-152.dynamic.hinet.net[] The following PCRE table is designed to block such dynamic hosts with generic rDNS names. Many here can testify to its effectiveness. http://www.hardwarefreak.com/fqrdns.pcre $ postmap -q '118-167-100-152.dynamic.hinet.net' pcre:./fqrdns.pcre REJECT Dynamic - Please relay via ISP (hinet.net) Usage instructions are in the top of the file. It's very simple to implement. Best to insert it after all whitelist tables and built in Postfix restrictions, but before any dnsbl checks as checking this table occurs instantly and dnsbl queries create delays. -- Stan