Am 14.07.2011 01:28, schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
> On 7/13/2011 3:08 PM, mouss wrote:
>> Le 13/07/2011 19:04, motty.cruz a écrit :
>>> Received: from (
>>> [])
>> you might start with
>> /^(\d+\W){4}.*\.twtelecom\.net$/     
>>      REJECT generic hostname. please use your ISP or fix your DNS.
> This wouldn't be wise mouss.  It would reject all mail from a legit
> site.  This is a SOHO IP range in Georgia, USA, occupied by an
> engineering firm, Uzune & Case.  

SOHO or not: ip-addresses in PTR are mostly not real mailservers
or maintained by foolish administrators because someone
with a little knowledge would call the A/PTR ""
or ""

> Rejecting all of their mail simply based on the generic rDNS of their
> outbound MTA is a wrong move

no it is the right move

> especially since the string clearly
> identifies a static range

what has nothing to do with mailserver or not
we own also a static /24 range and on this range are some
mailservers, but this does not change anything in the fact
that a infected workstation would come out with one of
this IP-Addresses but NOT with a mail-hostname

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