Am 11.06.2011 16:55, schrieb Wiebe Cazemier:
> That's not what I meant. I meant that 99% of the time, the primary server 
> will be up and recipient address verification will work to reject (spam) 
> messages to unknown users. Those two scenario's you mentioned are when 
> the primary is down or otherwise deferring. And those cases happen 1% of 
> the time (figure meant to be illustrative).

so you do not need any backup-MX because if your primary
is not available the edferring happens on the sender

this is teh way smtp works

> So if you would accept mail when the primary is down, you may very briefly 
> create backscatter, but it allows you to operate a backup MX server without
> syncing recipient maps, or have any other knowledge about it

nut the backup-mx is really useless if it depends on the primary one for
proper working and in the reality a backup-mx is useless, really

only if you have some database-driven configuration with a replications
salve on the backup-mx it makes any sense because your configuration
is independent, if you are using a spam-filtering appliance as example
the backup-mx is the dead of your spam-filtering and if you are using
greylsiting the backup-mx is also the dead of well working service
becasue if the primary mx ansers with "temporary problem" the sending
server will try your backup-mx and if both of them doing greylist
you are playing something like ping-pong with the senders without
any sync between the servers

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