On 6/8/2011 3:06 PM, mouss wrote:

> I am not sure Stan "made it public". he provided it to a "limited
> audience". if the whome internet starts downloading it every second,
> he'll get angry...

It's intended to be public, free for anyone to use.  Mouss, if what you
described were to occur, you wouldn't know if I was angry.  The pipe the
file is hosted on would be so clogged I'd not be able to get a message
out. ;)

>> I don't know if the author reads this, but I'd suggest a smallish change
>> for the next release: Put only REJECT alone on each line instead of
>> having custom text.
> on the opposite, I suggest removing the action part (if different
> actions are needed, simply use different files).

Some people change all the actions to PREPENDs for scoring use in SA et
al.  Given that these expressions target almost exclusively
consumer/residential type rDNS patterns, it is my opinion that it's best
used as is in combination with dnswl and local whitelisting.  YMMV.


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