On 06/06/2011 10:45 PM, Rich Wales wrote:
If I enable postscreen and specify my choice of blocklists and whitelists
in postscreen_dnsbl_sites, am I correct in assuming that I might as well
remove any reject_rbl_client and permit_dnswl_client clauses from my
smtpd_*_restrictions, since they will now be redundant?

On the interfaces and ports that postscreen(8) passes mail to, yes.

If you have a dedicated submission port, this is not affected by postscreen running on port 25.

Do note that the behaviour is different; you will be able to directly transplant your reject_rbl_client RBLs to postscreen, but postscreen has many more options available, such as checking for exact return values, and scoring different RBLs with separate weight values.


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