On Sat, Jun 04, 2011 at 11:14:42AM +0200, mouss wrote:
> Le 04/06/2011 08:43, Goutam Baul a ecrit :
> > 2) Can you indicate some reliable website to get the dkim-milter 
> > package for my RHEL 3.8?
> no idea.
> PS. isn't 3.8 way too outdated?

RHEL, IIUC, has EOL'ed 4.5 or thereabouts. Postfix has EOL'ed 2.4. 
This poster's platform looks like a house of cards. Everybody stop
breathing or it might collapse!

> > 3) Instead of using the mailing list software, for the time being 
> > I am planning to use php classes like phpmailer and advice my 
> > script to delay for say 5 seconds before sending a mail. Do you 
> > foresee any issues in this approach?

And PHP has had approximately three gazillion security issues in the 
period in question, not to mention openssh, httpd, et c.

> it is strongly recommended to use a list manager such as sympa or 
> mailman:
> - they have delivery error detection
> - they have "well known" templates and headers
> ...
> if you decide to use your own tools, do that at your own risk. be 
> aware that there are many opportunities to get things wrong.

Exactly. The questions being asked indicate that the poster is well 
down on the learning curve to begin with. 15K mails on a clean list 
are not that much, and since they are shareholders it's evident that 
money is involved.

My recommendation to the OP is to consider outsourcing this. It will 
not cost that much, and a reputable email service provider can be 
well worth what they charge.

Conversely to do it inhouse I would recommend tearing it all down and 
starting over with a recent and well-supported OS. It might look 
cheaper on the short-term bottom line to beg on the Internet for help 
in keeping the old install running, but when things go wrong, as they 
surely will, the costs will skyrocket in ways not yet imagined.
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