Hello All,

Assume the following setup:

Client from xyz.com logins to Many_Companies.com, accesses their email campaign software running on Many_Companies.com and sends out newsletters.

A short time later a client from def.com logins to Many_Companies.com, accesses their email campaign software running on Many_Companies.com and sends out newsletters.

They both access the same software just have user accounts that are different on the same server.

Postfix uses sender_dependent_relayhost_maps to channel xyz.com messages to interface eth0:1 and def.com messages to the the eth0:2 interface.

Those virtual interfaces are mapped to IP addresses that are registered addresses for xyc.com and def.com respectively.

Here is the question:

Will the received from headers in those messages reflect an origination IP address of Many_Companies.com's IP address or xyc.com and def.com IP addresses respectively?

I need the setup to reflect origination emails only coming from the respective IP addresses for xyz.com and def.com, NOT Many_Companies.com's IP address.

Thank you.

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