Zitat von Ralf Hildebrandt <ralf.hildebra...@charite.de>:

Today I've come across a Sophos PureMesssage server that puts
"ignore_policy_error" as restriction option:

smtpd_client_restrictions =
        check_policy_service inet:localhost:4466

I've looked up the postconf man page, but couldn't find that option. Sophos
OTOH has been quoted by my customer that they don't run a patched Postfix.

So what is it? Given all of Wietses efforts to create great documentation I
tend to believe Sophos does provide a patched Postfix.

Well, the naming gives a hint: Sophos patched Postfix to have some
sort of "soft_fail the next restriction" to secure against
"check_policy_service inet:localhost:4466" failing somehow.

This is just speculation.

But I wonder why they would do that: If the policy service FAILS, no
mail goes through and the admins will have a look.

With ignore_policy_error I would thing that Postfix will silently
ignore the error and just deliver the mail.

Maybe it is a hint how reliable their content filters are ;-)



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