Duh, didn't even think of that one!   Made that rule and it worked like a


On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Noel Jones <njo...@megan.vbhcs.org> wrote:

> On 5/13/2011 11:49 AM, lance raymond wrote:
>> Just did a basic install of postfix on a U10.04LTS server.
>> Reading over the manual and playing a bit, but the problem is
>> this server will be one of 5 behind a load balancer (for other
>> things).
>> Mail will only be outbound, and currently when the mail is
>> sent from the 1st box which is running the header shows;
>> Received: frommail.domain.com  <http://mail.domain.com>  ([])
>> Now the IP is that of the loadbalancer (the outbound gateway for
>> the server).  The LB is on a /29 so I want to allocate a seperate virtual IP
>> for example which will have a virtual service set to pass that ip's
>> traffic to that mail server.  I tried to issue an smtp_bind_address =
>> and got the following error;
>> warning: smtp_connect_addr: bind Cannot assign requested address
>> which I assume it's because that local box doesn't have that IP.
> That header is added by the receiving server, not by your postfix, and
> reflects the IP the receiving server sees.
> Sounds as if you need to set your LB to always use a specific address for
> outbound connections from that particular host.
> This isn't a postfix config issue.
>  -- Noel Jones

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