My <postmaster> default account is getting hammered with spam. I've
got SA / Amavisd-new working and tagging the messages as ***spam***
however I've just re-configured SA to be a little more aggressive on
scoring the messages. My question to the Postfix group is if I can
configure a restriction in /etc/postfix directory to prevent repeat
offenders from sending email to me. Someone a few years ago on this
mailing list assisted me on configuring Postfix to use a
'client_access' & 'client_access.db' file to block IP's as shown
below:      REJECT      REJECT

I've noticed that I am now getting spam emails from several different
hosts on one single network rather than from a particular host. Can I
block the entire network as follows:

95.98.*                REJECT

I'm sure many on the list wouldn't do this on their personal mail
server but I'm looking for a simple method that will stop the junk
mail. I know the 'client_access' flat file works fine but it's very
tedious to continuously add several IP's from the same network in when
I can simply blanket the entire network. If legit mail is blocked due
to this, I can review the rule at that time and see if it's safe to
lift the block or white-list that one particular client I.P.

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