Sahil Tandon put forth on 4/12/2011 10:58 PM:
> On Tue, 2011-04-12 at 16:19:03 -0500, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>> Mikael Bak put forth on 4/12/2011 7:31 AM:
>>> Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>>> [snip]
>>>>> Received: from [] (unknown [])
>>>> In this example, reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname would have
>>>> generated a 450 rejection.  You should always use
>>>> reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname at minimum, or the more
>>>> restrictive reject_unknown_client_hostname, though this one can cause
>>>> problems with FPs on occasion.  Best to use it with warn_if_reject for a
>>>> while and monitor what it would have rejected.
>>>> However, it appears that has rDNS of
>>>> Name:
>>>> Address:
>>> No. The "reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname" in the above example
>>> would not have generated a 450 rejection, since the IP address HAS a
>>> reverse dns hostname.
>> Yes, it would have.
> Not in this case.
>>  Note the "unknown" in the Received line.  The rDNS lookup failed
>>  during the transaction in question, thus this restriction would have
>>  generated a 450 for this transaction.  Note the following that I
>>  wrote, due to the fact the host does have rDNS:
> The 'unknown' in the Received: header is not due to rDNS problems, but
> more likely because the name->address mapping (still) fails.
>   % dig +short -x
>   ... so rDNS is OK; however:
>   % host
>   Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

But the test condition is 1) or 2) or 3) isn't it?  Not 1) and 2) and 3)?

If the latter, you seem to be saying one can have a case with an
"unknown" stamp for the reverse-name in the log and Received: header,
but reject_*unknown*_reverse_client_hostname will not reject the connection?

Wietse Venema put forth on 3/31/2011 11:42 AM:

> The format is:
>     Received: from helo-hostname (verified-reverse-name [ip-address])

If what you seem to be saying is correct, and I'm thus apparently wrong
here in this pedantic sub-thread, then I'm not in this boat alone.  If
Postfix stamps a client's reverse-name as "unknown", but at the same
time doesn't reject based on this "unknown reverse-name" with
reject_*unknown*_reverse_client_hostname then, well, there's apparently
a problem with the concept of the "unknown" reverse-name and what that
actually means.


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