> > I'm  thinking about trying the example suggested in the documentation for
> >  "sleep":
> > 
> > 
> > /etc/postfix/main.cf:
> >  smtpd_client_restrictions =
> >          sleep 1,  reject_unauth_pipelining
> > smtpd_delay_reject = no
> > 
> > In  general, I try to order smtpd_*_restrictions with the least costly 
> > first,  
> > this would be an exception.  Has "sleep" shown to be:
> > 
> >    * effective?
> Not particularly.  The sleep  command was an early attempt to reject bots 
> that 
>start talking before it's their  turn.  The idea is:
> sleep 1 (don't say anything for a while - pick up  the phone without saying 
> reject_unauth_pipelining (if the caller  starts talking before we greet them, 
>they are a bot/recording so hang  up)
> Problems with sleep (ie. good reasons to not use it):
> - not many  bots fall for the trick.
> - requires "smtpd_delay_reject = no" which can  create other issues with 
>logging and restriction flow, particularly for casual  postfix users.
> - penalizes every client on every connection
> - ties up a  valuable smtpd process with doing nothing.
> The postscreen feature in  postfix 2.8 eliminates those problems, and adds 
>other features not  possible/practical in the regular smtpd listener.
> Your best choice is to  upgrade to current postfix.  If you can't do that, a 
>greylist policy  service is probably the next best thing.
> > On a related note, is there  any reason this example adds
> > "reject_unauth_pipelining" after  "sleep"?
> The reject_unauth_pipelining is what causes the bad clients to  be rejected.
> > Is using "sleep" alone with nothing
> > else  OK?
> Using sleep by itself won't break anything, but it doesn't do  anything 
> except 
>slow everything down. 
> Slowing the server down gives no  benefit, and in the case of a server that's 
>close to overload, could push it  over the edge.

Ah, excellent responses Noel and Stan. I understand very well now.  I really 
appreciate the detailed explanations.

> > I'm using version 2.3.3, and the docs say  "reject_unauth_pipelining"
> > is only recommended in  smtpd_data_restrictions for older versions (but 
> > say why or if it  will hurt to have it anywhere else).
> You should really upgrade.  The  final update for the postfix 2.3 series 
> before 
>EOL was 2.3.19 in Aug 2009. 
> If 2.3.3 is the best your vendor can provide, you should complain  strongly.

OK I hear that loud and clear.  There's a few hitches involved (DB support, 
etc), but that's probably all the more argument to simply move to one of 
packages.  Maybe that's the best choice.  We'll work on that, but I must say 
that one of the things I appreciate the most about postfix is that we can 
languish in a stale version that's not even being supported and we're still not 
vulnerable to any security issues.

> In older postfix versions with recommended default  smtpd_delay_reject = yes, 
>the reject_unauth_pipelining
> restriction is only  effective in smtpd_data_restrictions.  It doesn't hurt 
>anything if used in  other sections, it just
> doesn't do anything.  That's also why the example  shows setting 
>smtpd_delay_reject = no.

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