
I see a sufficiently fair percentage of e-mail traffic relating to good list hygiene; since it's repetitive anyway, would it make sense to post a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly reminder since new users arrive frequently at the list?

Experienced list users could auto-filter it away by designating a unique subject header.

Stuff like:

Bottom posting [and reminder why] [and yes I left an accidental top post in my last post :-) ]
No HTML [also might be helpful to explain why]
No thread hijacking, and why changing the subject isn't enough
Replying to the list and only the list, no extraneous cc:'s

How to report a problem
    -- No debug logs unless requested
    -- postconf -n
    -- Relevant portion of maillog

Reminder of location & scope of documentation (i.e. enshrining Wietse's discussion of the 'illustrated encyclopedia' nature of it)

A reminder to "start small"

Location of a few (or main?) list archives to remind it's worth searching that first

Nothing too in-depth, just cleaning up the reporting of issues. It should fit easily on a typical (~900 pixel, 12 pt) full screen single page display.


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