Le 31/03/2011 17:52, Stan Hoeppner a écrit :
> Received: from mail-iw0-f176.google.com (biz88.inmotionhosting.com
> [])
>       by greer.hardwarefreak.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id F297D6C12E
>       for <s...@hardwarefreak.com>; Thu, 31 Mar 2011 06:29:19 -0500
> biz88.inmotionhosting.com is the reverse name and
> mail-iw0-f176.google.com is the forward name, correct?  How is this VPS
> hosted snowshoe spammer spoofing a forward host name of google.com?

they are spoofing HELO. if you feel motivated, contact InMotion.
otherwise, block list -

or block

/\d\.inmotionhosting\.com$/     REJECT

and complain to "Corporate Colocation Inc.". if no answer, block: -

> I'm no DNS expert but I didn't think spoofing a forward lookup was
> possible, as one must control the DNS servers (or a zone) for that
> domain.  What am I missing?

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