
I'm still trying to get Postfix to use deliverquota to deliver the mails to my 

The only thing I could find on the net was a comment from Magnus 
http://www.irbs.net/internet/postfix/0412/1673.html that I had to make my own 

So this is my attempt:

deliverquota  unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
        flags=DRhu user=vmail argv=/usr/bin/deliverquota $domain/$recipient

One concern - vmail is not a user on my system (and since I copied this from 
the maildrop pipe, I'm now wondering how mail is delivered at all.

My first question is, is $domain/$recipient the way to deliver a Maildir 
structure that is always domain.tld/user where user is the portion before the @ 
- this is the way I've understood man pipe, but I'd like to be sure.
Do I need it to be unpriv or not?

My second question is what happens when deliverquota refuses to deliver the 
mail because the Maildir is over quota?  Does postfix try to deliver a DNS?


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