On 3/7/2011 4:47 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

I was taught to always start my expressions with "/^" and end them with
"$/".  Why did Steven teach me to do this if it's not necessary?

That's good advice when you're actually matching something.

The special case of .* means, as you know, "anything or nothing". There's never a case where it's necessary to explicitly match a leading or trailing "anything or nothing".

match the string beginning with anything or nothing, ending with foo.

can always be simplified to:
  match the string ending with foo.

This works the same without the ending $ anchor (contains foo, rather than ends with foo), but helps the illustration.

(In the other special case where you're using $1, $2, etc. substitution in the result, you might need some form of /^(.*foo)$/ to fill the substitution buffer, but that's about substitution, not about matching.)

  -- Noel Jones

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