On Sun, 6 Mar 2011 18:46:44 -0500 (EST), Wietse Venema
<wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:

> > In order to have postfix 2.8.1 feeding email to a ezmlm 1.2.17
> If you follow the mlmmj website's instructions, then it should
> work.

Do you mean the README.Postfix at
http://mlmmj.org/archive/mlmmj/att-0511/README.postfix ?

> I prefer not to review alternative variations.

I can understand that.
But in this case, as this is rather generic regarding MLM proper
interfacing with Postfix, it sure would be welcome to have your
view about the proper way to setup a generic interface between Postfix
and a generic MLM.

> By the way, the mlmmj setup can now be simplified, and no longer
> needs the kludge with the mlmmj/pipe transport.

I know that it also consumes time but... could you give a tiny
example/usage case?

>  postfix-2.9-20110228
> fixes a problem where the local delivery agent ignored the ownership
> of regexp-based alias tables.

Will this bug fix be backported into 2.8.x ?

> Why was this fixed 20110228? Because I recently stumbled upon this
> problem when I visited the mlmmj/postfix webpage.

That page is marked Nov 12th 2005 but in fact, as it is clear from the
change log, it just appeared in the latest (, Nov 2010) release.


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