Just out of curiosity, can you try to send mail directly to me?
After you have removed yourself, it should take less than about an hour to
clear from the CBL + PBL.
Then mail should go through.
Received: from 108.234.broadband4.iol.cz (108.234.broadband4.iol.cz
appears to be you.
IP Address is listed in the CBL. It appears to be infected with a
spam sending trojan or proxy. It was last detected at 2011-03-01 07:00 GMT (+/-
30 minutes), approximately 5 days, 16 hours, 59 minutes ago.
It appears you have fixed that (or it was never you), so you should go ahead
click on the "remove me" stuff for the cbl
At the same time, please go here and request removal from the PBL.
Once both of those are clear, many places will magically start accepting
your mail.
Some places may be using SBL data and not give out messages stating that.
Note: I prefer NAT/router mode of my ADSL modem against BRIDGE mode
(where I would need to do PPPoE itself in OS) for additional FW
security ring to protect my computer.
I do not blame you in the slightest. I also use NAT and static maps on a
yamaha RTX1100,
one of the best routers available in Japan (until they came out with the
RTX1200 ^^!) There are maps to allow postfix to get in/out, ftp in, etc.
Current PPPoE session status is Connected.
Access Concentrator: brasds61nakano012
36 days 12 hours 16 minutes 22 seconds connection.
Received: 28161587 packets [2399271052 octet] Load: 0.0%
Transmitted: 23158809 packets [1334982653 octets] Load: 0.0%
A pity that cbl.abuseat.org, as described in
http://cbl.abuseat.org/faq.html, do not explain criteria how
someones IP can get into their CBL list.
By sending mail to one of their very large spamtrap domains. The reason they
do not tell
you how you get on is that if they did, spammers would be able to avoid them
and thus
reduce the efficacy thereof.
Looking at the timestamp on the CBL, was that IP address your ADSL modem at
that time?