Le 03/03/2011 15:39, Randy Ramsdell a écrit :
> mouss wrote:
>> Le 01/03/2011 11:25, Matthias Andree a écrit :
>>> Am 28.02.2011 23:57, schrieb Quanah Gibson-Mount:
>>>> The main issue I see at the moment really is the inability to legally
>>>> link Postfix to MySQL, removing a valuable piece of Postfix
>>>> functionality.
>>> Not a loss.  If MySQL and Postfix turn out to be incompatible
>>> license-wise, this prevents one particular SQL *implementation* from
>>> being used - but not the functionality (SQL lookups) per se.
>>> If you cannot or do not want to use MySQL due to licensing, use
>>> PostgreSQL.  It not only removes the license worries [1], but also
>>> worries around table storage engines, transactional modes, and ACID
>>> compliance.
>>> [1] <http://www.postgresql.org/about/licence>
>> fully agreed. I started moving out of mysql after oracle acquistion. and
>> I'm pushing for the same move at $dayjob and "beyond".
> Looks like what Oracle wanted is working.

I don't understand what you are trying to say, but most importantly I
don't care for what Oracle "wanted". if they acquired mysql, it's
because mysql guys agreed. same for sleepycat. it's becoming common for
people to go open source to get a community of users, then go commercial.

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