On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 11:43:25 -0500, Victor Duchovni
<victor.ducho...@morganstanley.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 05:33:14PM +0100, Ignacio Garcia wrote:
>> Hi there. Hi, I've been googling around all morning and I'm
>> completely ignorant on what I'm going to ask, so please forgive me if I
>> make no sense. I have 2 independent servers running
>> postifx+mysql+(other_things) all controlled from a nice web interfacce
>> called ISPConfig3. Those 2 servers are completely independent with many
>> domains configured in each of them. Authentication is done against each
>> server's separate and different mysql database. I'm testing Perdition
>> for imap and pop3 connections so webmail access is more
>> consistent/unified, and in case of customers with email services in both
>> servers, we make it easier for them since the proxy redirects
>> connections to the right imap server. My question: is there such a
>> similar product (SMTP proxy) that can be configured in the same way to
>> hide the real smtp servers and
>> deliver/accept_mail_from_our_2_different_pools_of_users using the
>> correct server?
> Well, the proxy won't know what to do before the user authenticates,
> and you say the the authentication databases are split, so it is far
> from clear how you expect this could work.
> However, if Perdition presents a unified IMAP interface, you could
> perhaps use an "rimap" backend with Cyrus SASL to authenticate the
> user.
> I am not aware of any SMTP proxies whose downstream SMTP server is
> selected after user authentication. It is probably easiest to just
> operate a unified submission server that authenticates the union of the
> two sets of users, and then routes to the right server via sender-based
> routing. In other-words, not a proxy but a store-and-forward MSA.
> Postfix can do that.

Victor, thanks for your quick response.

yes, I did not take into account that authentication does not always
take place in SMTP. So I guess that leaves me with no other option but
to consider a round robin setup. However, I'm not sure how this works.
Do I need to setup each postfix server to accept messages from/to both
sets of users, or in this scenario, if the first connection fails, it'll
try the second automagically?

Can anybody point me to a tutorail, howto, etc. on how to setup postfix
in a round robin environment?

Thanks so much.


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