On 1/21/2011 12:41 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
Jerrale G:
I explained why it is needed, as the bare_newline is a good idea and the
same principal we used about 4 years ago, before we moved to postfix. it
is to deter bottlers, on the idea that bottlers and spammers with non
rfc-complian smtp bots only try to connect one time.  However, a small
With postscreen, if the bot fails the bare newline test, it will
never be able to deliver mail to Postfix. So, that problem is

I thought they got an unlimited ammount of attempts; we remedied that with having our firewall system to catch the same ip, trying to get more than 5 non-newline connect attempts, to be banned, added to dronebl as a spammer, and banned from our smtpd in iptables. I guess we'll never see that trip any alarms if they dont get unlimited attempts to properly greet the postscreen bare newline.

So, instead of the new config parameters I suggested in the first post, how about postscreen_bare_newline_attemps = 5, or 0 for unlimited :)

Thanks for the help on both posts Wietse and thanks Noel!

Jerrale G.
SC Senior Admin

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