At 04:03 AM 1/17/2011, you wrote:
>Dear List,
>I'd like to limit the outgoing E-mails. We have a lot of "newsletter"
>users who like to send E-mail via php... so the 80% of the mail comes
>from: But I'd like to limit them to 20 mails / 5 minutes.
>How can I set up the rate control, to use the email addresses instead of
>the $$client_address
>is the "email address" accessible somehow? $$email_address?
>My rate limit now looks like:
>id=RATE_001 ;  action=rate($$client_address/20/300/450 4.7.1 please do
>not try more than 20 per 5 minutes)
>but this only allows 20 mails / 5 minutes for
>I'd like to allow 20 mails for every users / 5 minutes.
>Is it possible?

perhaps, rather the client_address rate limit, try sender rate limit. 

I use sender rate limit on our outbound gateway to HOLD more that 25 mgs in 8 
hours.  monit alerts me when there is stuff in the HOLD queue.  

If legit, I release it. 

If spam, I delete it.  

This protects us against our user mail accounts with cracked password where 
spammers and botnet can send 10s of 1000s msgs/hour.  (Barracuda misses these 
spams much more than it stops them)

Initially, I had to add to a postfwd sender white list file 
that were legit volume senders.  A legit sender still gets HOLDed and 
whitelisted but infrequently and manageably.


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