Le 03/12/2010 01:55, Stan Hoeppner a écrit :
Victor Duchovni put forth on 12/2/2010 4:27 PM:
The OP is really far better off querying the LDAP server:
That may be Viktor. I think he should test both and pick the solution
that works best in his environment, both from a performance and
management perspective. Choice is usually a good thing, and he has
plenty with Postfix. :)
let's look at this from the exchange server viewpoint:
- with ldap, exchange sees no (RAV) connections.
- with RAV, exchange is hit for every address to verify
Given all the job that exchange does (or is supposed to do), and the
costs of the licences if you need to add new servers, then you'd better
hit the AD server.
if you really want caching, then setup an intermediary postfix that does
ldap lookup and hit it with RAV...