* Gary Smith <gary.sm...@holdstead.com>:
> I've been using the same IP's for years but I'm moving all my equipment to a
> new facility in the coming days.  Is there a checklist of things that you
> guys suggest when setting up mail servers on a brand new range?

Get a reputation for your domain i.e. DKIM et al. If you don't have on yet,
you're probably too late to establish one. If you have one IPs are not THAT
important anymore.

> I'm expecting to setup 5 IP's for outgoing email and as such the RNDS
> records for them as well.  I just want to make sure that there's little, if
> any, problems for myself and my customers that use my services.
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

We've had very bad experiences with reputation for "cloud IPs". IF you move
to a cloud, make sure senderbase.org, senderscore.org and such alike are happy
with your IP's.

The solution was to establish a DKIM identity and stick with RFCs close as


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