Le 23/11/2010 21:17, Gary Smith a écrit :
I've been using the same IP's for years but I'm moving all my equipment to a
new facility in the coming days. Is there a checklist of things that you guys
suggest when setting up mail servers on a brand new range?
I'm expecting to setup 5 IP's for outgoing email and as such the RNDS records
for them as well. I just want to make sure that there's little, if any,
problems for myself and my customers that use my services.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Gary Smith
you can try a lookup of these IPs in multiple RBLs, and lookup the
"surrounding subnet" (/24 for example) on:
you may want to keep the old servers for some time.
(from experience, I've found MS to "cache" reputation for a long long
time. That once forced me to keep one server just for hotmail! even
registering the new IPs at their site, adding SPF, ... didn't help).