> The task: if mail has some passphrase in subject (eg [passme]),
> then do not apply greylistnig, RBL etc and transfer a mail to LDA.

If you whitelist based on a string in the message, then why not
whitelist based on a string in the RECIPIENT ADDRESS? Postfix
supports address extensions, like this:

in main.cf:
    recipient_delimiter = +
    # Alternative: recipient_delimiter = -

    smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
        check_policy_service xxxxx
        reject_rbl_client yyyyy

in SMTP:
    RCPT TO:<you+passphr...@example.com>

Then, the greylist daemon can reply with OK if the passphrase is
good and skip Postfix RBL checks.  You can make it as fancy as you
like, such as a passphrase that is valid for only a short time, a
passphrase that is valid only for with a specific sender IP address,
and so on.


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