On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 5:46 PM, Jacqui Caren-home
<jacqui.ca...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> However I took a peek at the digitalriver.com website and from the content
> it does not look promising. From thier product literature, I suspect they
> have
> provided the facilities (and technology) to allow bluehornet to keep
> spamming you.
> Not sure if this makes them at least partially liable for the spam though.
> Nice thing is digitalriver is a multinational so have a lot to lose :-)

So I'm done trying to ask nicely and it doesn't seem like I'm going to
get any results so now I'd like to get back to my original question,
what's the best way via Postfix to stop them from sending mail to my
Postfix server? How can I block them so their mail is rejected? I'd
like to have a method in '/etc/postfix/' that I can block specific
clients (I'm assuming "clients" is the proper name for servers that
try and communicate with my SMTP server) basic on IP(s).

Can someone please tell me the recommended way to do this in Postfix?
I'm sure most of you veterans have had a time where you had to stop a
specific server from sending your Postfix server email. How do I go
about this?

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