Len Conrad:
> I did say "fixed by running postfix-install", wasn't clear that
> postfix-install fixed postfix fail-to-run problem.

For the record, I take no responsibility for what happens when
Postfix is run on a corrupted file system. Just like I take no
responsibility for what happens when Postfix is run with corrupted
or incompatible system library files.

> fsck or whatever Linux RH does to fix filesystems apparently
> converted "private/scan=" socket to "private/scan" dir, into which
> we got 2176 Maildir files as orphans.
> no suggestions how to deliver these orpan Maildir msgs?

Maildir is an OUTPUT format.  There is no Postfix support to READ
such files. You can try to guess from the headers who sent it, and
whom it was sent to. Please don't use "sendmail -t" as that will
send mailing list mail back to the list address, and cause people
to be unsubscribed.


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