On 19 November 2010 17:40, Victor Duchovni <
victor.ducho...@morganstanley.com> wrote:

> Probably using "hash:/etc/postfix/generic" in main.cf, when "regexp:"
> is what you tested.

Thanks for the prompt reply Victor. You raise perfectly valid points and I
do apologise for my naivety in parts (I'm a bit new to all this) but I
assure you there are reasonable answers to the majority of your questions !

However it is the answer you provide above which has got it working - which
I am most grateful for.

If you're happy to continue this chat I wonder if you could advise how I
would set the result in the regexp table to choose the correct sender - as
opposed to always being root. that way regardless of the sender it will
always map to the correct one. perhaps some kind of user variable can be
used ?

so instead of the map reading...

 /^...@.*localdomain$/    r...@domain.com

...it would instead read something line...

/^...@.*localdomain$/    %u...@domain.com <r...@domain.com>

would you know if this is possible ?

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