flip side:
> I have two gmail accounts set up. When I'm logged in as account1 I can send
> mail as "From" account2. Google calls this an alternate account (
> http://goo.gl/Gts2g).
> If I log in as account1 and send mail to my postfix server, everything is
> fine.
> If I log in as account1 and send mail to my postfix server "from" account2,
> the mail never arrives.
> I feel sure postfix must be filtering or rejecting the mail, but I've been
> unable to find anything in any logs. I've set 'smtpd_tls_loglevel = 4' and
> added -v to the smtp line in /etc/postfix/master.cf  but I'm not seeing
> anything at all. In mails sent from the alternate account, the from: address
> is acount1 and the sender: address is acount2.  That seems the likeliest
> cause to me. Any insights would be much appreciated

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