Nick Edwards:
> "Make sure your PTR and A records match. For every IP address, there should
> be a matching PTR record in the domain. If a host is
> multi-homed, (more than one IP address) make sure that all IP addresses have
> a corresponding PTR record (not just the first one)."
> Apparently, I'm led to believe that postfix in doing lookups only takes the
> first answer it gets, therefore if DNS returns 2 or more, and the first
> entry for whatever reason has no record then pf fails the lookup under
> unknown client hostname.

Short andwer: Postfix isn't going to guess which name to use. DNS
is not a lottery. Please configure correct FCRDNS for every name.


> Can someone in the know explain why this is so?
> (please., no assumptions, there only a couple people on this list with
> factual knowledge, I'm not interested in  foo's opinion, or bars opinion,
> I'm looking for executive's decisive reason )

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