Vincent Lefevre put forth on 11/4/2010 6:04 PM:
> On 2010-11-04 17:18:17 +0100, mouss wrote:
>> otherwise, you can do whatever you want with pcre:
>> /\.example\.com$/        OK
>> or with sql or ldap.
> For pcre, the man page is not clear. It says:
>   Each  pattern  is  a  regular  expression that is applied to the entire
>   string being looked up. Depending on the application, that string is an
>   entire  client hostname, an entire client IP address, or an entire mail
>   address.
> But where is it described whether the string is an entire client
> hostname, an entire client IP address, or an entire mail address?

check_client_access     pcre:/etc/postfix/filter.pcre
check_sender_access     pcre:/etc/postfix/filter.pcre
check_recipient_access  pcre:/etc/postfix/filter.pcre

As you can see, this is defined by the smtpd_foo_restriction you target
the PCRE table with.  What is checked against the table is dependent on
the restriction used.  Read the documentation for each check_*_access
restriction above at:


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