Zitat von Erwan David <er...@rail.eu.org>:

On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 01:40:46PM CEST, lst_ho...@kwsoft.de said:

The address 2002:uuuu:vvvv:1::21 is not within 2002:uuuu:vvvv::/64 as
far as i can tell. You should use 2002:uuuu:vvvv:1::/64 instead in
mynetworks. The :: means all zero if memory serves me right.

 I use [2a01:240:fe0f::0]/64 and it works...

Yes, but not for something like 2a01:240:fe0f:1::1. This is one of the main problems with IPv6, the addresses are simply too long to get handled by humans without a high error percentage.



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