> relay_domains = [ws.arlut.utexas.edu] [sisl-list.arlut.utexas.edu]    
> [spd.arlut.utexas.edu]  [lists.arlut.utexas.edu]        
> [seaturtle.arlut.utexas.edu]    [arlex.arlut.utexas.edu]        
> [arlmail.arlut.utexas.edu]      [tools.arlut.utexas.edu]        
> [vme.arlut.utexas.edu]

As mentioned by Noel, relay_domains must not have []. The [] are
not supported here by Postfix documentation.

> relayhost = ns4.arlut.utexas.edu

As mentioned by Noel, this needs [] to avoid MX lookups (the MX
hosts for ns4.arlut.utexas.edu are mxhost2.arlut.utexas.edu
and mxhost1.arlut.utexas.edu.). The [] are recommended by
Postfix documentation when you want to relay to a hostname.


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