
My guess is that this is an easy question but I am not sure.

I would like for the client to have the ability to forward email BUT I also
need to keep a copy of that message. So, I have the following template that
I believe can work for an alias file for an LDAP setup:

server_host = [LDAP Server here]
search_base = [Search Base Here]
timeout = 10
bind = yes
bind_dn = [bind-dn here]
bind_pw = [bind password here]
query_filter = (mail=%s)
result_attribute = (local account?) + (forwarding account?)

Now, I have a separate attribute called vacationForward within my LDAP
system that contains the forwarding address. My local email address is
stored as mail within LDAP.

The problem is that I would need to return TWO results, correct? I need to
return the local account and the forwarding account, correct?

Thanks for any help with this.

Christopher Koeber

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