On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 4:13 PM, Alberto Lepe <d...@alepe.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 12:38 PM, captain_claw <ryanc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Matt Hayes <domin...@slackadelic.com>wrote:
>>> On 10/13/2010 10:17 PM, Alberto Lepe wrote:
>>>> Yes Matt, I agree with you.
>>>> However, for some reason a customer is complaining that some people are
>>>> receiving several copies (in one case up to 15 copies) with exactly the
>>>> same content, when he/she sent just one mail.
>>>> I thought at the beginning it may be a problem with his mail client but
>>>> after checking the logs I didn't see anything strange but those repeated
>>>> lines.
>>>> I now understand that those repeated logs are normal as the filter is
>>>> re-injecting them into postfix. The only irregular thing I saw is that
>>>> his/her mails are being marked as SPAM (but not rejected), which then
>>>> are sent to quarantine. As far as I know, I have to manually "release"
>>>> them from quarantine in order to be send, right?
>>>> For now, I use those emails in quarantine to adjust the values of
>>>> spamassassin until I can reach some comfortable setup in order to start
>>>> blocking emails.
>>>> Is there any other way I could analyze the "duplicated mails" problem?
>>>> Thanks again.
>>> What email client is the client using?
>>> -Matt
>> If you find that the problem is only on that user, I think you have to
>> check his/her email client. if it's M$ outlook/express kindly check the
>> pst/dbx file size of the user. cases that the MUA reaches its max size of
>> 2gb (for M$ outlook 2003 below) the tendency is MUA can't write additional
>> entry to pst/dbx and thus it remains to outbox. So if the users tries to
>> send/receive the MUA re-send it to the recipient co'z the MUA assumed that
>> there is still mail seating on the outbox. However if everybody is
>> experiencing this problem then you have investigate more on your logs.
>> -Ryan
> Ryan, Thank you!! you were right! After all, and even it sounds odd,
> several users in that domain had the same problem: their PST file was around
> 2GB. The customer confirmed that the problem is gone now.
> Thank you for your time (to everybody).
That's a great news indeed.


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