Wietse Venema skrev 2010-10-11 23:00:
Patric Falinder:

then you have found the timer bug that causes Postfix to deliver
only one message probe per 300 seconds, and we can start looking
for workarounds (such as changing the src/util/events.c module and
replacing zero delay requests by 1 millisecond delay requests).

[ Attachment, skipping... ]

Cool, I will try that tomorrow when I get to work and feedback the results.
I've been meaning to upgrade to Postfix 2.7 too so might as well do that
when I'm at it.

I should only compile this testprogram and not install it right?

Don't replace the installed Postfix. The timer stuff works exactly
the same way as your Postfix 2.5.5. I don't write each Postfix
release from scratch.

I have now tried that on the VMWare ESX server and I actually got

        normal completion after 1000000 iterations

as a result, so I guess it doesn't have to do with the timer thing!?
I also upgraded to Postfix 2.7, without VDA cause this time because this server wasn't meant to have that patch in the first place, and I've been watching the queue for a couple of minutes and the double-bounce messages seems to go away as they should. I'm gonna keep looking though, to see if it gets filled again but it Looks like the upgrade fixed it.
I can report back at the end of the day to see if it's actually fixed.

Thanks a lot Wietse for all your help! I'm really grateful.

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