Carlos Mennens wrote:
> Guys I apologize if this doesn't belong here but I did a 'Google'
> search and I decided it would be best to ask the community who uses
> Postfix from an 'administrative' perspective. I am looking for a
> statistics utility for mail. I don't really have any specific
> requirements but anything that can give me an overview of what my mail
> server is doing in bulk. Obviously viewing '/var/log/mail.log' is not
> practical unless I am searching for something specific. If you guys
> have any utilities and or programs you recommend for Linux / Postfix,
> please let me know. I deeply apologize if this is not the proper place
> to ask such a question.
> -Carlos
For summary reports I like "logreportes" formerly postfix-logwatch, you
can set the detail level, pflogsumm it is a good option.

I'm writting a little howto for logreportes, it is in spanish:

Logreporters: Postfix and Amavisd-new Log Reporting Utilities:

Best regards,

Jorge Armando Medina
Computación Gráfica de México
Tel: 55 51 40 72, Ext: 124
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