On 9/26/2010 6:28 PM, mouss wrote:
Le 27/09/2010 00:36, Noel Jones a écrit :
On 9/26/2010 10:28 AM, Shane Dittmar wrote:
On 9/26/10, Jeroen Geilman<jer...@adaptr.nl> wrote:
On 09/26/2010 04:30 PM, Shane Dittmar wrote:
The address (sh...@example.com) is defined as a virtual

To what ?

If you DO want to deliver to example.com, then it MUST BE
a virtual
mailbox domain.

Not listing it when you have no clue what the effect is,
is never good.

Example.com is defined as a virtual mailbox domain. The
alias resolves
to an address outside of the system (a gmail account)

If you define example.com in virtual_mailbox_domains, then
all valid addresses must be listed in virtual_mailbox_maps.
It's OK to direct one of those addresses off-site with
virtual_alias_maps, but the address must exist in
virtual_mailbox_maps before it's considered a valid address.

hmm. that's not necessary. addresses found in
virtual_alias_maps are considered valid.

Oops, you're right. OP must have some other problem. Unfortunately, we don't have logs nor a full understanding of the config.

  -- Noel Jones

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