On Thu, 2010-09-16 at 22:40:10 +0200, Jeroen Geilman wrote:

> On 09/16/2010 10:33 PM, Brian Pribis wrote:
> >When I receive an email addressed to, say, t...@virtual_domain.com,
> >I want this forwarded to someone_e...@virtual_domain.com.
> >
> >I have this done in the virtual file and everything appears to work,
> >except one thing I can't understand:
> virtual_alias_maps doesn't support aliasing in the same domain.
> Whatever you have, that can't work - something else is going on.

Virtual aliasing is recursive, so the above mapping should be fine as
long as someone_e...@virtual_domain.com is eventually mapped to an
actual mailbox/address. This is why the OP observes that it "works" in
the sense that test mail arrives in the intended mailbox.

> >When the email arrives in my mail client it arrives with
> >t...@virtual_domain.com in the CC field.

As noted in the ADDRESS_REWRITING_README, virtual alias mapping affects
*only* the envelope recipient address, not the headers.

> > Why is this?   I really don't want the original address showing
> >up.  Did I miss something?
> Yes.  Please include relevant logs and the output of postconf -n.

Brian, see:


Sahil Tandon <sa...@freebsd.org>

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