It looks like the postscreen changes are tapering off. Below are
a number of code cleanups but no functionality changes. This is
uploaded as postfix-2.8-20100917.

I won't have time to make further changes in the coming weeks except
when it is really necessary.


    Cleanup: postscreen now uses the first responding DNSBL
    name in the "5.7.1 Service unavailable" reply, instead of
    the last responding one. File: postscreen/postscreen_dnsbl.c.

    Cleanup: the 20100914 "postscreen_greet_wait" speedup did
    not happen as often as it should, because some older code
    still turned on PREGREET tests gratuitously, causing a full
    greet-wait delay.  File: postscreen/postscreen_tests.c.

    Cleanup: to avoid "address in use" problems, postscreen now
    closes the listening socket after "postfix stop".  It also
    closes the socket after "postfix reload" but that does not
    hurt. Files: master/event_server.c, master/multi_server.c.

    Cleanup: postscreen now logs CONNECT and DISCONNECT events.
    Files: postscreen/postscreen.c, postscreen/postscreen_misc.c.

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