Yang Zhang:
> Are there any extensions to Postfix that can aggregate multiple
> outgoing emails into a single email within some time window?
> We're developing an application that runs on multiple hosts and emails
> notifications to us (the developers @gmail.com) whenever something
> goes wrong, via a postfix server.  However, we've run into issues
> where the application spews hundreds of such errors in rapid
> succession, leading Gmail to bounce our messages.  This is why we're
> interested first and foremost throttling messages, but ideally also
> aggregating messages together into a periodic digest that is emitted
> at most once per minute.  Any other (low-effort) solution ideas would
> be appreciated as well.

Aggregate at the SOURCE: append all alerts to a file. Use a
once-per-minute cron job to rename the file and send out the alerts.


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